How Do You Deal With A Leaking Water Heater?
Is your water heater leaking? If so, you have come to the right place. A water heater can leak due to many problems – starting from a loose valve to a corroded water tank. If you find water pooling near the heater or dripping from the tank or pipes, there are many things to do to stop the leak.
This article provides information on how to deal with a leaking water heater.
Turn Off Your Tanks’s Water Supply
The first step to deal with a leaking water heater is to turn off the water supply to the tank. The heater should have a shut-off valve on the cold inlet pipes. If the tank has a ball-type valve, you need to turn the handle of the valve 180 degrees. On the other hand, if the tank has a gate-type valve, turn the wheel clockwise as far as you could. If the valve is broken or rusty, you can turn off the water supply to your home.
Turn Off the Unit’s Power Supply
The next step is to turn off the power supply to the water heater. If an electric water heater, you should shut off the power at the breaker before working with the heater. In case the water heater is gas-powered, you should shut off the gas supply before working with the heater. The gas line leading to the tank should have a dedicated shutoff valve.
Leak Detection
The final step is to determine the exact location of the leak. Once you shut off the water and power supply to the tank, you can easily assess the location of the leak. You need to check the inlets, outlets, pressure relief valve, bottom of the water heater, water pressure, and temperature of the heater to determine the exact location of the leak.
Although these instructions will help you, most people should call a professional water heater repair service in the area to repair a leaking water heater.